Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Natural Beauty Wishlist (^-^)

This month's pick is something that just came out and hit my attention! 
Yes, Nevecosmetics lately has been making deliciously good quality products and this time added also an extremely appealing look...Wow very nice job! 
For those wondering, I'm talking about the super new brush set, for these days only at almost half a price! 
The set includes 12 synthetic (obviously) brushes plus a faux-leather brush roll. 
As you can see they are so colored, so funny and they really look professional with high quality bristles. 
If you are trying to build a good quality basic set this is a wonderful choice, so go for it! If you already have tons of brushes, then just try to focus on what you really need and which ones are worth for your needs, don't buy things just because they look cute! ;) 
Regarding the cost, I think the sale price (79€) is fair for what you are getting, since you are paying 6/7 euros each brush, I think this is a pretty good deal. What about buying them at the retail price (143€)? I've never  spent all that money on brushes, so I don't think I would this time! 
All this monoloque means that I've got 5 days (ending of the offer) to decide if making this cute-candiful present to myself or let it go! :) 

Who knows what my crazy head will decide this time! 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

#40 Aphorism of the week: Genius

The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success. 

Bruce Feirstein 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

DIY: Z-Palette!

Hello Readers! I just wanted to share with you how I usually realize my DIY Kali-Palettes! It is so simple, cheap and funny...and you can freely choose how to customize it!  Average cost per palette: less than 3$! 
Your wallet is smiling, right? :D

All you need is: 

- a CD case without the tray 
- a magnetic adhesive sheet 
- optional: everything creative!
- tools of the trade: scissors and glue. 

Here is the basic final result, from now on you'll have to set your imagination free and rampage ;)   

Have a creative day! 
Fantasy and imagination are the most precious things! 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

#39 Aforisma della settimana: Solitudine

Tutte le miserie degli uomini derivano dal fatto di non essere in grado di rimanere seduti in una stanza, da soli. 

Blaise Pascal 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Fitocose: Lozione Anticaduta

Oggi vi parlerò con immenso piacere di un prodotto Fitocose per i capelli: la Lozione al miglio e serenoa, un fluido formulato per prevenire la caduta dei capelli e stimolarne la ricrescita ed il rinforzamento. 
VOTO: 9! (mi tengo molto stretta quindi potete tranquillamente considerarlo un 10 ;) 
Vi stupirà il fatto che abbia cominciato il post con la votazione, ma era l'unico modo per esprimere direttamente e senza tanti fronzoli la mia soddisfazione. Ovviamente non potrei darvi un giudizio riguardo all'efficacia sulla calvizie, ma se avessi questo problema sicuramente darei una chance a questo prodotto perchè senza dubbio si rivelerebbe molto più utile di altri blasonati in commercio e soprattutto si tratta di un investimento irrisorio: 8,92€ per 50 ml!  

Ma veniamo ora alla review vera e propria: premetto che ho avuto molte titubanze prima di acquistarlo perchè sul sito è descritto come un prodotto relativamente potente, che potenzialmente potrebbe causare irritazioni e bruciori. Siccome io sono un soggetto allergico, con pelle reattiva e sensibile, devo andare in punta di piedi ogni volta che decido di applicare una 'novità' sulla mia pellaccia permalosa, quindi questa lozione termoattiva mi sembrava proprio voler buttare via i soldi ma soprattutto masochisticamente causare ulteriori danni ad una pelle già 'disastrata'. Alla fine l'istinto, prevalendo sulla vittoria assicurata della logica, mi ha condotta all'acquisto. L'istinto ha vinto un'altra volta! Posso garantirvi che questa lozione ha il potere di rinvigorire i capelli e di promuoverne la ricrescita, io l'ho abbinata allo Shampoo al miglio ed insieme mi hanno donato una capigliatura più sana, fitta e voluminosa (io ho i capelli sottili e flosci di natura! :D). Pur non essendo molto costante con le applicazioni e non lasciando il prodotto ad agire per ore, i risultati ci sono e sono evidenti. Bravi! 
Il contenitore vi arriverà con un foglietto 'appeso al collo' in cui oltre ad esserci la lista degli ingredienti, troverete le istruzioni per l'uso, qui di seguito vi lascio la foto, spero che riusciate a leggerlo. 


A presto Lettrici Italiane! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Neve Cosmetics Pastelli


I'm so glad to introduce these new lip pencils by Nevecosmetics because they are super... let me tell you the reasons why. First of all they are 100% natural (actually they also have a vegan formula), they come in a variety of colors suitable for all tastes and skin tones, last but not least they are creamy enough to go smoothly and dry enough to last hours. They are simply a great discover. The only pencil I didn't like was Perfettina which is meant to be a lip contouring, one of those pencils used to line the lips in order to keep the lipstick safe from smudging. It's not the fact that it doesn't work, it's just the color that is not for me, it is a creamy beige, way to dark to suit my skintone, so the result on me is horrible :/. 
These Pastelli are so easy to apply and they have a comfortable texture, what about the lasting power? Well, they can last for hours, but since they are not lip tints (and don't contain synthetic ingedients) they are not gonna last the whole day. This actually isn't a problem for my necessities. Ok, I'll leave you with the swatches, the first photo is with flash the second is with sunlight.

(in the first one I applied Perfettina to line the lips, as you can see the color doesn't match my skin tone!) 















That's all! 
Have a nice day (: 

Friday, February 8, 2013

#38 Aphorism of the week: Art

One can exist without art, but one cannot live without it. 
Oscar Wilde  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Jade Minerals Make Up

Since I've recently received the new aloe vera blushes from Jade Minerals, I've decided to realize a simple make up using some of them, just to show their color pay-off. 
I've applied shade n°14 on the eyelid and smudged under the eye, then shade n°15 in the crease to create a minimum depth. As an eyeliner I chose the classic black one, mixing it with a tiny amount of chamomile eye drops. I did a light face contouring with shade n°15 and mixed n° 14 and 17 to add a flash of color on my cheeks. Finally I applied the amazing shade n°17 wet on the lips, wow they look luxurious velvet, love them! :P 


See you soon! 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

#37 Aphorism of the week: Health

Every human being is the author of his own health or disease. 

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