Monday, September 22, 2014

Il Potere delle Domande by Lucia Giovannini

Image by PhotoNaija

'If I had an hour to solve a problem

I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem

and 5 minutes thinking about solutions'

Albert Einstein

E' evidente che il primo passo verso la soluzione di un problema è la sua precisa identificazione, infatti la questione principale risulta sempre essere l'individuazione della domanda. 
E' inutile catapultarsi alla ricerca di risposte e soluzioni se non si ha ben chiaro fin da subito qual è il punto di partenza, pertanto il famoso processo di problem solving in campo aziendale, così come nella vita quotidiana, richiede un'attenta definizione e profonda analisi del problema.
Spesso siamo talmente immersi nella nostra vita quotidiana che ci dimentichiamo di vivere in prima persona e tendiamo ad inserire il pilota automatico, cosicchè ogni pensiero ed ogni scelta derivano da impostazioni mentali inconsce erette nel corso degli anni, che ci fossilizzano in presupposti e preconcetti prestabiliti che silenziosamente guidano la nostra esistenza.
Attraverso una serie di domande, Lucia Giovannini nel suo nuovo libro ci guida attraverso un percorso personale volto a mettere in luce chi siamo e qual è il sentiero che inconsciamente sappiamo di dover percorrere per raggiungere e mantenere la felicità.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Una Vita Autentica by Sebastian Pole

Image by GalleryHip

'Let food be thy medicine
and medicine be thy food'

L'Ayurveda non è una semplice scienza medica orientale, ma una vera e propria filosofia di vita nata in India più di 5000 anni fa e che solo recentemente si sta diffondendo con successo anche in Occidente. 
Si tratta di un sistema di pratiche e conoscenze che, attraverso un approccio olistico, mirano a mantenere il benessere generale dell'individuo, considerandolo nella sua totalità psicofisica, ed accompagnandolo per mano lungo il sentiero che conduce alla felicità. 
L'Ayurveda si adatta ai bisogni individuali, in quanto ci insegna prima di tutto a scoprire chi siamo e a conoscerci veramente per poter imparare ad ascoltare il nostro corpo, fonte quotidiana di messaggi. Questa scienza millenaria rivela le sottili interconnessioni che esistono tra i quattro processi vitali (fisico, mentale, emozionale e spirituale) e gli organi del nostro corpo; infatti non si concentra sui sintomi, ma considera l'individuo nella sua globalità, cercando di riequilibrarlo non solo a livello fisico, ma anche a livello mentale, emotivo e spirituale verso una ritrovata armonia. 
'Una vita autentica' è dedicato a coloro che non si accontentano di tamponare o provvisoriamente risolvere i propri disturbi, ma che desiderano vivere una vita genuina e sincera, considerandola un percorso verso la propria realizzazione e la tanto agognata felicità. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Whole by T. Colin Campbell

Image by DiyCozyHome

'Wrong does not cease to be wrong
because the majority share in it'
Leo Tolstoy

Solo perchè tutti fanno qualcosa non significa che tale cosa sia giusta e solo perchè tutti seguono uno stesso cammino non significa che quel cammino sia l'unico possibile. 
Tale affermazione è applicabile alla vita in generale, ma in questo caso è d'obbligo concentrarsi su uno dei temi più caldi dell'attualità: la nostra alimentazione e le sue inevitabili ripercussioni sulla nostra salute e in generale sulla salute del nostro pianeta. 
La maggioranza è stata abituata ad una dieta onnivora sin dall'infanzia, perchè è sempre stata considerata la più adatta e completa per il nostro benessere. Da questa supposizione più o meno fondata, sono stati costruiti imperi industriali che hanno cercato di occultare subdolamente le crescenti scoperte avvenute riguardanti la relazione tra una dieta a base di alimenti di origine animale e alcune delle malattie degenerative che costituiscono una delle peggiori piaghe delle società moderne. E' evidente dunque che, quando uno scienziato di fama internazionale come Colin Campbell pubblica il provocatorio 'The China Study' che minaccia di far crollare le basi su cui si poggia l'enorme business alimentare creato ad hoc sulla disinformazione pubblica, inevitabilmente chi è coinvolto direttamente o indirettamente cercherà disperatamente di screditare o almeno arginare le ripercussioni di tali affermazioni.
E se la dieta vegana fosse la scelta migliore per noi come genere umano ma anche per la vita sul pianeta? 
In 'Whole', Colin Campbell spiega il motivo per cui sarebbe la scelta vincente, non solo per l'individuo, ma anche per la collettività e la sopravvivenza del delicato equilibrio terrestre. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

#113 Aphorism of the week: Cold inside

I'm here.
The snow falling.
Kobayashi Issa

Image by IllusionScene360

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Stream of Consciousness: Silent Home

Image by JohnnyCirucci

Dream big shut the world outside me in jail with you it's yours not mine music nourish soul pain for heart go away waterfall of tears you and me no way out shame ambition go so far can't see beauty of the now scratches in our lives golden future pitch black present is it fair. 
Dreamt of peace contamined by million dollars expectations let me wipe my as* time is not real my now is slaps and kicks for waking up a dormant maid go to hell and pay for aid no us remained just you and me far and away.
Evil glance dirty words wicked wishes a candid flower in exchange no regrets no blames no bitterness two pairs of wet eyes and broken legs beating time biting slime.
Werewolf stuck in moonlight drooling jaws blank stare at sore newborn come back conscious lifeless exhaustion lying in deathbed still trying to fix your aching soul knife in grass red moon sweet lullaby reborn again chew madness fancy lies daytime dreams unconsciousness explodes neurosis can nomore. 
Stars still shine swim in tender womb no past no future just home 
Sweet dreams wake up as you used to be.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Natural Beauty Wishlist (^-^)

From time to time I find myself truly wanting to try some beauty products, not because of shopping fever, but because I think on how to just pick the essential perfect cosmetics for the future. The lesser the better, again :) 

Florascent's Rose Perfume

Florascent's Perfumes have always had an enormous appeal on me, I literally drool over them! 
If I ever had to pick one by the way, I'd choose Rose since this flower has the perfect feminine scent, it smells woman, lover, mother, self-confidence and sweetness. Lol, you know I have my own particular way of describing scents ;) 
Here is how Florascent describes it: 

"A heart of finest May roses from French Grasse with their typical delicate floral scent. At the base a soft and smooth breeze of clove within a bouquet of white flowers. A quintessential romantic scent, this lush perfume recalls an overflowing bouquet of verdant blooms. A perfume for falling in love."

Mmm, wow!

Friday, July 18, 2014

#112 Aphorism of the week: Sheeple

What luck for rulers
that men do not think.
Adolf Hitler

Image by Dandmb50

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Saturday, July 12, 2014

#111 Aphorism of the week: Wisdom

Where wisdom reigns,
there is no conflict between
thinking and feeling.
C.G. Jung

Image by JenniferBroussard

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

NeveCosmetics Pastello Terra Vs Caramello

I thought it would have been interesting to compare NeveCosmetics Pastello in Terra and Caramello. They are two very different shades, but I don't think it comes out so clearly from the swatches online. 
Terra is a lovely rusty brown, perfect for green-eyed maidens ;) 
Caramello is a shiny bronze. 
Down here the swatches! 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

#110 Aphorism of the week: Moon

And then there are the times
when the wolves are silent 
and the moon is howling.
George Carlin

Image by Feral-Heart

Thursday, July 3, 2014

DIY: Natural Mosquitoes Repellent Spray

There is no damn need of buying toxic insects repellents when it is so easy and cheap to make your own at home. Mosquitoes are gonna hate your smell, but you are gonna like it instead ;) 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Green People Organic Volumizing Mascara

Green People Mascara is meant to leave your eyelashes volumized and well-defined, while deeply conditioning and nourishing them. Is it true? :) 

Friday, June 27, 2014

#109 Aphorism of the week: Unconscious

Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will direct your life
and you will call it fate.
Carl Gustav Jung

Image by Nature

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Benecos Natural Shiny Lip Colour

Here you have a photo-post showing you my go-to lip product for the summer :) Benecos Natural Shiny Lip Colour in Silky Tulip.
It is not a lip balm, it is not a lipstick, it is a sheer shiny slightly reddish balm that gives the right amount of healthy colour to your lips when you just don't need anything else! 
The formula is impeccable (except for the bloody Lanolin so crazily loved by german cosmetic companies!) 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Alva Callus Balm

Alva's Balm is supposed to reduce your calluses up to 75% in 28 days. It is such a tiny pot (30ml), it won't last you 28 days if you use it on your whole feet! So just apply it on the critical zones where it's most required. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

#107 Aphorism of the week: Caterpillars

We kill all the caterpillars,
then complain there are
no butterflies.
John Marsden

Image by PageResource

Thursday, June 12, 2014

¿Cómo se sale de Roma?

This is gonna be a no-post, I'm gonna share with you a video that I just love. Unfortunately it is in Spanish, so I hope you can understand it or find the version in your own language, even if it's not gonna be the same. 
When a thought comes from deep inside and it's perfectly conveyed in a specific language, it's hard that a traslation manages to convey the same exact feelings. 
This is a hymn to friendship and love. 
It is a powerful, yet simple message. I love it. 
The incipit means: "If every path leads to Rome, how can you get out of Rome?"

Monday, June 9, 2014

Shampoo by La Saponaria

E' da anni ormai che uso lo Shampoo Extravergine de 'La Saponaria', essendo un prodotto delicato, multi-uso e personalizzabile. Ho avuto la possibilità di provare un sample della versione con Salvia e Limone e mi sembrava poter essere un'ottima alternativa per il periodo estivo. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

#106 Aphorism of the week: Bankers

Let me issue and control a nation's money
and I care not who writes the laws.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Image by Jaroslaw Kukowski

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Biofficina Toscana Deo Crema

As I anticipated, I got some new deodorants to test. Let me start from Biofficina Toscana's one
It has a creamy consistency (I had never tried a similar deodorant before) and people generally claim that this kind of deodorants should be more effective and have a greater lasting effect. 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

#105 Aphorism of the week: Humanity

I'm tired of this back-slappin'
"isn't humanity neat" bullshit.
We are a virus with shoes.
Bill Hicks

Image by Marco Bhimani

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Benecos Eyebrow-Designer

Let me introduce you my trustworthy Benecos Eyebrow Pencil. She is a humble maiden, she does what she is supposed to do and she does it with class ;) 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

#104 Aphorism of the week: Chaos

You must have chaos in your soul
to give birth to a dancing star.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Image by PassionFord

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Lily Lolo Natural Lipstick: French Flirt!

There is no need to remind you how much I like Lily Lolo lipsticks, here is my everyday Rouge, the shade is French Flirt: a warm light kinda rosy red, the perfect shade for a daily use. Like all LL lipsticks, it is ultra-moisturizing and it has a sheer finish. I'll leave you with the swatches, apologizing in advance for the awful application on my lips (ooops I was in a hurry!) ;) 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Dr. Organic Aloe Vera Toothpaste

Oh My, this girl is running out of subjects! Lol, not at all. I just believe this simple organic toothpaste is worth talking about. Dr Organic is a very interesting brand, with a wide range of natural skincare products, it deserves to be on the news ;) 
So why taking the trouble to make a whole post for a humble toothpaste? 

Friday, May 16, 2014

#103 Aphorism of the week: Misanthropy

I don't hate people.
I just feel better when
they are not around.
Charles Bukowski

Image by BukowskiQuotes

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Clarisonic Mia2: is it worth the money?

Clarisonic has become a superstar among beauty devices, so I decided to invest on Mia2. I've been using it for more than 3 months now, so I can give you my quite precise review about it. Is this device so essential? 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

#102 Aphorism of the week: Insanity

And those who
were seen dancing
were thought to be insane
by those who could not
hear the music.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Image by Borda

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Kigelia: hormone-like action.

Kigelia is an african tree, whose fruit is used to heal multiple health conditions thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties: rheumatism, snake bites, syphilis, but it's also used by african women in their beauty routine for keeping their breasts firm, since it contains flavonoids which stimulate micro-circulation.
Moreover it's been proven to be useful for treating wounds, eczema, psoriasis, acne and sun damaged skin. What a treasure, isn't it?

Sunday, May 4, 2014

#101 Aphorism of the week: Dream

Build your own dreams,
or someone else will hire you
to build theirs.
Farrah Gray

Image by HQWallpapersPlus

Thursday, May 1, 2014

What's new on Aroma-Zone?

As you know I regularly take a look at Aroma-zone website, because it has been one of my favorite e-shops for years and I'm one of their greatest supporters :) 
They have changed some things lately, like the majority of the packaging of their full size oils, floral waters and creams (they are now made of 100% recycled plastic, one more big plus for them!)  and also they have started to 
sell their sample sizes in tiny bottles made of glass (one more 'coup de coeur' by AZ team!). 
Among the news on AZ website, here I show you the most interesting ones: 


It is an active (made of Titanium Dioxyde and Karanja oil) to create your sunscreen cream. This is such a great solution for those who are used to prepare every cosmetic on their own (so I'm talking about people who do it professionally, not 
those who do it as a hobby because it might turn out to be a dangerous one!) I personally prefer creams made of 'chemical sunscreens' because they 
are more effective without any doubts, so I prefer them on my skin to be sure I'm safely protected from UV rays. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Le Mascara Bio by Avril

Sincerely I've never found such a huge difference between average drugstore mascaras and natural ones. Avril mascara is the proof that you can pimp your eyelashes without damaging them and the environment. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

#100 Aphorism of the week: Go for it

Shoot for the moon.
Even if you miss,
you'll land among the stars.
Norman Vincent Peale

Image by 1MS

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Akamuti Cuticle Moon Butter

I can't stop biting my cuticles, I'm pensive and I release my nerves like this. I'll stop it, one day -.-' 
I've read good reviews about Akamuti's balm, so after finishing my Badger's one and DR Bronner's one, I took this. 
The consistency is different from the other two, this is more of a buttery mousse, very pleasant to apply. Its smell is quite intense, it smells of fresh limes and you might perceive a touch of vegetal oil in the background. 

Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europea), Organic Macadamia Nut Oil (Macadamia integrifolia), Organic Beeswax (Cera alba), Organic Fair Trade Honey, Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Lavender Essential Oil (Lavendula angustifolia), Lime Essential Oil (Citrus aurantifolia), Organic Lemon Essential Oil (Citrus limon).  

Regarding nails, it does a great job at making them stronger and shinier day after day. Unfortunately for my extremely dry cuticles and chopped hand skin, it isn't nourishing enough. I like it as a daytime hand cream since it absorbs pretty well, just leaving your skin a bit shiny (for me it is not a problem). Since it has this soft consistency, I would hardly recommend to also use it as a scrub for cuticles by mixing it with a little of sugar. Try it and let me know! :) 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

#99 Aphorism of the week: Love

You know you're in love
when you can't fall asleep
because reality is finally better
than your dreams.
Dr. Seuss

Image by DailyGalaxy

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