Have you ever heard about One Love Organics? It is a naturally ethical and environment-friendly cosmetic company. They only use a few high grade raw materials for providing direct benefits. I received a sample kit when I ordered from Naturisimo and I thought it would have been interesting to talk about my first impression about the brand and their products. This is clearly a high end line, it is expensive and apparently the prices are justified by the supreme quality of the ingredients and the ethical mentality of the company. Then let's check out if these cosmetics are what they claim to be.
Easy Does It Cleanser: a delicate soap-free multi-purpose liquid wash, it is gentle but not noteworthy, so I consider pretty dumb to pay 25£ for a 260ml bottle.

Skin Savior Waterless Beauty Balm: a multi-purpose combination of vegetal fats and extracts to use as a make up remover, as a moisturizer or a hair treatment. You should know I love this kind of do-it-all simple products, they are lazy-friendly and easy to stick with. Hence I really enjoyed the small pot I received, its smell is just a delicious zesty load of energy! Even in this case, I seriously doubt I would purchase the full-size pot, because it costs 52£ for 105ml of balm, a real theft. If you look at the ingredients, you'll see it is a blend of coconut oil, sweet soy seed oil, beeswax, mango butter and a few other lovely vegetal extracts, but nothing more. The purity of the ingredients in my opinion doesn't justify the crazy price, so I'm sorry but if One Love doesn't lower the prices, it won't ever reach the big public (probably it isn't just their aim). I'll certainly publish a DIY for reproducing this formula and you'll see it won't ever (ever!) cost that much, even if you choose the finest organic ingredients.
Brand New Day Scrub&Masque: I appreciate the concept behind these 2in1 products, better if in a dry formula as in this case. It is really gentle on the skin but does its job greatly. Again the only con is the price, 34£ for 60ml of corn starch, sweet pea flour and pineapple fruit extract. No way. If you are looking for a similar product, TheAllNaturalFace sells Pineapples&Cream Wash, which is 7.50$ for 1oz, better right?
Morning Glory Brightening Complexion Booster: I am in love with its scent, never a company better named a product, it is a real morning glory. It is an energy booster and it will make you start the day with a positive attitude! You can apply it before your foundation or moisturizer because it is easily absorbed by the skin, leaving it soft and not greasy. I feel this is the only one that's almost worth the money you spend for it (37£ for 30ml) because it is a clever blend of antioxidants and polypeptides that just works and like every serum will last for months.
Love Springs Eternal Youth Preservation Serum: a lovely oil to apply on your skin when you need moisture, it is obviously thicker than Morning Glory, so better if applied at night. I like it (it's difficult to find an oils' blend I don't like) but 49£ for 24ml of watermelon oil and a few other fine extracts is a madness!
If you have read until here, you'll believe I don't like this Brand. The main issue is that probably 'One Love' is an 'élite brand', it has likely been created and addressed to High Class People, those who have no time for these futilities and want it all ready and functional, but are conscious of what they really want to apply on their skins. In their case, this Brand is just the best option, a few ingredients for a few products for every issue and every member of the family, who cares about the price. In my case I believe there are other valuable brands with reasonable prices creating cosmetics with an equal effectiveness.
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